Sunday 19 June 2016

Cornwall Holiday 2016 - the Crocodile and the Frog

Where we stayed in Cornwall there was a lovely pond and I was delighted to discover the wildlife that lived there, although Peggy Sue wasn't convinced.

Peggy Sue is most concerned...

Oh Henry! Don't go too close!  

What is it with Henry and his fascination with crocodiles and alligators?

Henry!  You are too close!

Poor Peggy Sue, she certainly looked very worried indeed.

Will I be okay?

It is okay Peggy Sue, I reassure her.  Crocodile Bill is a friendly croc.  

Or so I have been told....

Peggy Sue doesn't want to stick around to see my fate.

She befriends a frog.

Hello there handsome one.

If I give you a kiss, will you turn into my prince?


  1. I think all you would see of me is a cloud of dust if I saw a croc. Wonder if the frog turned into a prince.....maybe at twilight!

  2. Peggy Sue looks so cute as she stands there worried about Henry. I love wildlife, but don't go anywhere near the many alligators we see in deep south Texas! Careful, Henry!

  3. Did Peggy Sue kiss the frog?
